assim como ver a árvore na sua beleza e n?o pensar nunca nos bichos que a broem/b, na água que lhe falta, nos homens que a ferem. a isto pode chamar-se, com alguma justiça, fuga. mas tempos há em que n?o, ou raramente, se consegue escapar. ...
"My concern is you are building a ghetto right here," said one resident, who added that -- despite the police station located across Franklin Street -- neighbors already must put up with the Pacific Euro bhotel/b nearby, which was described as ... Jonathan Emami, vice president for developer bROEM/b, promised a development "indistinguishable as 'affordable,'" and "of market-rate quality." Another meeting for neighbors is scheduled in July to focus on the design of the project. ...
... dengan Yayasan Orang Indonesia, di Hotel Ibis Tamarin Jakarta, 28 September 2005 [2] Mansour Fakih, Memahami Advokasi, dalam Roem Topatimasang dkk (Penyunting), Merubah Kebijakan Publik, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta, 2000, h. iii. ...